How strong is crepi?

how strong is crepi?

Crepi, also known as facade plaster or decorative plaster, is a finishing material that is often used on exterior walls of buildings. The strength of crepi can vary depending on several factors, including the composition of the material, the surface to which it is applied, proper preparation and application, and the quality of workmanship.

In general, crepi can have considerable strength and provides protection to the underlying wall. It acts as a protective layer against weather elements, such as rain, wind and sunlight, and can also help conceal wall imperfections.

The strength of crepi can also be affected by the addition of fibers or reinforcing components during the mixing process, making it more resistant to tearing and cracking.

However, it is important to note that while crepi may be strong, it is not intended as a structural element. It serves mainly as a finishing layer and must be supported by a solid and stable underlying wall structure.